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A styled session

So, where to begin for this first blog post? It was march and I am right in the middle of rebranding my company since my husband and I moved in Oct 2015. It has been a long process, moving, rebranding, organizing, getting things figured out, licenses, branding, client flyers, advertisments, giveaways..This is a grueling process and not one without its stresses. I have been working on this rebrand for the past 6 months to get it to where I want it to be and where I think that it should be and to give my clients the best overall photography experience they can have. I've joined photography groups, watched youtube videos, asked questions, read blogs and articles, created and deleted items, given up, cried, and laughed at the absurdity of some things that just don't seem to as easy as they should be. Most of all I have LEARNED. The endless discussions and thoughts and hope and stress and questions and overwhelming emotions that come with all have this have taught me things and I have finally made it to the end of this. Rebranding a business is hard work and don't let anyone tell you otherwise, running a business in general is hard work and exhausting at times, I still have a ton to learn in this adventure and I know there is still so much to learn and do and read but I am glad I am over this small mountain right now and have finally launched this company. There is a light at the end of this short tunnel.

So what better way to celebrate the end then to organized my first of many styled session? I recruited my beautiful nieces for this session and I had this vision in my head of cliffs, beaches, wind and flowy skirts and I could not be happier with how these turned out! I had in my head flower crowns and red lips. The flower crowns I made by hand, the flowy skirt I made and it couldn't have been a better flowy skirt in the wind! The location was Fort Wordon in Port Townsend Washington. It was such a fun session and I am so thankful to the two beautiful women who took the time out of their weekend to join me in this new adventure and helping me bring these visions to life!

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